Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Biography of Jallaludin Rumi

Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi Hasin ibn Muhammad al - Bakri al Khattabi ( Jalaluddin Rumi ) or sometimes referred to by the name of Sufi poet Rumi was born in Balkh ( now Afghanistan ) on the 6th of Rabiul Awwal 604 Hijri or AD dated 30 September 1207 . His father was a descendant of Abu Bakr , named Bahauddin Walad . Being his mother came from the royal family Khwarazm . Rumi 's father a pious scholar , he was able to forward-looking , a famous teacher in Balkh . When Rumi was 3 years old because of a clash in the royal family left Balkh towards Khorasan . From there Rumi brought moved to Nishapur , the birthplace of the poet and mathematician Omar Khayyam . In this city with Rumi met Attar refugee boy who predicted this would be famous someday that will light the fire of passion Godhead .

Biografi Jallaludin Rumi

Jallaludin Rumi


Collection of Rumi 's famous poem called al - Mathnawi al - meaningful supposedly is a revolution against the Kalam Science spirit and strength loss . Its contents also criticized the step and direction which tends to exceed the limits of philosophy , feeling emasculated and cult ratio .

Admittedly , that Rumi's poetry has its own characteristics compared to the other Sufi poets . Rumi through his poems convey an understanding of the world that may be obtained only through love , not merely through physical labor . In his poetry , Rumi said that God , as the only purpose , has no equal .Another characteristic that distinguishes the work of the Sufi poetry of Rumi with other poets is often his poetry he started using stories . But this does not meant he wanted to write a narrative poem . These stories are used as a statement of thoughts and ideas . 

Many of the stories found in the poetry of Rumi who seem different but in fact has a symbolic meaning alignment . Some historical figures show that it is not the intent of history , but he displays it as symbolic images . Figures such as Joseph , Moses , Jacob , Jesus and others show it as a symbol of the beauty of the soul that reaches ma'rifat . And it is well-known figures such as a person covered by divine love .One of his most famous work is :do not ask me what my religion . I'm not Jewish . not Zoroastrian . nor Islam . because I know , as a name I call , you're going to give another meaning than the meaning of life in my heart .